The Role of Surgery in Colorectal Cancer Treatment: Chennai's Surgical Experts

Colorectal cancer, a common and life-threatening disease affecting both men and women, occurs in the colon or rectum. The team of surgical experts in Chennai is dedicated to providing the best care for those diagnosed with this cancer. It starts as a small polyp in the digestive system, which can turn cancerous if not treated. Surgery is a vital part of treatment, removing the tumour and affected tissues or organs. It is often the first course of action and can be curative if detected early. Even in advanced stages, surgery may be necessary as part of a complete treatment approach.

Chennai is home to some of the most experienced and skilled surgical experts in the field of colorectal cancer treatment. These experts are well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their patients.

Types of Surgery for Colorectal Cancer

  • Colectomy involves removing a cancerous part of the colon and connecting the remaining healthy ends. 

  • Proctectomy removes the entire rectum in cases of rectal cancer, and a colostomy may be performed. 

  • Rectal resection removes the rectum and nearby tissues and may involve reconnection or colostomy depending on the cancer's extent.

The Effectiveness of Surgery in Treating Colorectal Cancer

  1. Colorectal Cancer Stages

Colorectal cancer has four stages: stage 1 is the earliest and most treatable, while stage 4 is the most advanced. Treatment plans vary based on the stage, with surgery being the main approach for stages 1 and 2, and a combination of surgery and other therapy for stages 3 and 4.

  1. Role of Surgery

In the early stages, surgery can remove the tumor before it spreads. For advanced stages, surgery removes the tumor and affected tissues/organs, improving the chance of successful treatment. It can also relieve symptoms like bowel obstruction or bleeding.

  1. Risks and Side Effects

Surgery for colorectal cancer carries risks, such as infection, bleeding, damage to nearby organs/nerves, and bowel/urinary problems. However, technology and experienced teams have reduced these risks, and the benefits of surgery often outweigh potential complications.

Chennai houses top surgical experts for treating colorectal cancer, praised by their patients for their skills and successful results. These surgeons have vast experience and specialized training in colorectal surgery, including laparoscopic and robotic techniques. Their success rates surpass the national average, and their patients commend their proficiency, compassion, and commitment to achieving optimal outcomes.

Advanced Technologies and Techniques Used by Chennai's Surgical Experts

  1. Benefits of Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery

Laparoscopic and robotic surgery are minimally invasive techniques used by Chennai's surgical experts for colorectal cancer treatment. These techniques involve smaller incisions, less pain, reduced risk of infection, and a faster recovery time.

  1. Minimally Invasive Procedures for Faster Recovery

In addition to laparoscopic and robotic surgery, Chennai's surgical experts also employ other minimally invasive procedures such as transanal endoscopic microsurgery and transanal minimally invasive surgery. These techniques offer patients a shorter hospital stay and faster recovery time.

  1. Use of Precision Medicine and Targeted Therapy

In recent years, there has been a shift towards personalized or precision medicine, where treatment is tailored to each patient's unique genetic and molecular makeup. Chennai's surgical experts also use targeted therapy to specifically attack cancer cells and minimize side effects.

Why Veritas Cancer Care is the Ideal Choice for Colorectal Cancer Surgery in Chennai

Veritas Cancer Care in Apollo Cancer Centre in Chennai is a top cancer hospital known for its patient-centric, cutting-edge approach. Their advanced facilities and experienced surgical team specialize in colorectal cancer diagnosis and treatment, utilizing the latest technology. With a high success rate, patient satisfaction is a priority at Veritas Cancer Care. The Veritas Cancer Care team in Apollo Cancer Centre comprises skilled surgical experts trained in the latest techniques and work together to create personalized treatment plans based on each patient's needs. The multidisciplinary approach at the hospital involves collaboration with other specialists for comprehensive care. At Veritas Cancer Care, patients are the top priority, and they are provided with a nurturing environment, including education, emotional support, and aftercare for a positive treatment experience.


It is understood that surgery plays a crucial role in treating colorectal cancer and is often the first line of treatment. In Chennai, there is a team of highly skilled and experienced surgical experts dedicated to providing the best possible outcomes for their patients. At Veritas Cancer Care, patients can expect personalized treatment plans, state-of-the-art facilities, and a multidisciplinary team approach, making it the ideal choice for colorectal cancer surgery in Chennai.

To seek consultation, and understand cancer better or to get advice on treatment, surgery, prevention and screening, genetic testing, nutritional counselling, and psychological counselling reach out to the Veritas Cancer Care Team in Apollo Cancer Centre, call on + 91 7373735352.

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